Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cupcakes, Jelly Cheese Cakes and 28 + 3 days

<<==The only cheese cake i will ever eat without grimacing courtesy of Xinru, Flora, Chris

<<==yummylicious chocolate cupcakes courtesy of Fat Cat, Nono, CSB, Bobo and Ah Bao
Thank you girls!!! I had a wonderful time with you all...from Greenwood Fish Market to Thien Kee. Tribute to the girls below
At Greenwood with flora, chriss, xinru and pearl

Pearl donning Franky's glasses ordering cof-fei

Best Pals

Presento Time
Pearl, Fabian and Franky

Xinru and Chriss

Thien Kee Steamboat atGolden Mile. Too much food...cannot capture in one sistas are power eaters.

Look at the after shots! Totally finito....


After dinner plans...excellent shot Fat Cat! Me soooooo prettttiiiii....hee hee haa haa aahh.....

As usual...the girls always have something up their sleeves......

My fifth bag for April.....I lurrvvvee it

The start of a la PUMP ROOM YE SHANGHAI's performance....rather bizzare
JC and Noni having cat fight on who will emerge as the star of the night

Happy at the PUMP!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Turning 28

April always marks many events. The biggest being the day of my existence in this bizzare yet beautiful world. It also marks many of the relationships that start and end in my life.

I only ask for a simple gift this year. That happiness fills my the rest of my life. My friends if you read this...say a simple prayer for me.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

can't wait....

hee hee hee...can't wait for my bags to arrive...waiting and counting down...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Activity-Less on a Saturday

Sigh...the bloody weather...started off with a glorious sunny morning and now its pouring cats and dogs like every other hour. sunshine, rain, sunshine, rain...funny how my mood is like for the whole day.

Its been a long time since I spent saturday activity-less. Not sure if its the best feeling..morning started off with b'fast from whampoa market..the usual kway teow and pipin hot soya bean drink. nice. went online to chat with friends till about 12 and started feeling fidgetty..told myself i am heading to ECP for a blade session to burn off my gratinated gnocchi from the nite before.

2pm...started feeling sleepy and spoke on the phone to Mr. D till about 3pm...was zoning out. yawn.....

3pm...started to make plans for tonight's dinner celebration with Pearl.

430pm...buay tahan already. needed a nap. woke up with a bang literally from my dreams. dream that i was cornering at 80km/h and skidded and ran into a mama stall. Mr E suddenly appeared and pat my head and told me everything is ok. the dream was damn real. remember every single detail.

now its 644pm. spent the last one hour confirming reservations for tonight. hope my mama lucia italian dinner is good and reasonable. italian again! thinking if I should go valentino's next week...but already made the reservations.

have i spent my satur-DAY well??? honestly not used to the quietness that is droning the whole house. suddenly i feel so lonely. like no one loves me....cant wait for 9pm to come when i meet the girls for dinner. at least the emptiness will be filled somewhat. wish my tai-yee-ma is coming soon...think she is wrecking havoc on my system.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Public transport nightmare

I know this is going to sound like i live in princess world....but this morning as i boarded the bus....i instantly regretted not taking a cab...just to save that $5

I was packed worse than ayam brand sardines (at least they still swim in ketchup) rubbing arms and shoulders and boobs with the mass crowd of somewhat distant singaporeans...

today's experience made me wonder if i can ever go back to the life of regular bus/mrt trotting 9-5 office girl...sigh...i better work hard.....

Saturday, April 07, 2007

comments from my friends...

During one of the afternoon eat snake lunches at botak friends were grilling me about the men in my life.... anyway...some pics of the food at botak jones before their comments.

They concluded that ALL the men that has liked me before are BAD

Actually very true...and its bothering that my destiny?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

One year later.........

Haha....i forgot my username and password (AGAIN) I was reading my past posts...

my 2006 resolutions...only met loser

life is back to normal more airy fairy romantic stories...but full blown reality