Sunday, September 14, 2008

How do you know you are home?

It is my longest stay in BKK....this is what i am doing...currently at interconti bkk now...filming a training session....

Well, I have always had problems with my bowels when taipei i can land up in hospital because i was totally constipated (an x-ray to prove it!), in shanghai i can land up in hospital because i cleared too much bowels ate something wrong....

I realised why I was not home sick...because I am home...I am so comfortable in bkk...although have only smelled the city air for about 4 hours in total, i am so happy...eating my lek-sen fishball, som tam, foot massage, walking in siam square when the shops close at sad...but its still nice. most impt, I HAVE NO CONSTIPATION ISSUES. that is how i know i was home. a little sad I am leaving after 9 days but am glad i finally can have a change of clothes...did not bring enough!

See you in SG very soon lzbs

1 comment:

ahBao said...

same as me! Constipation whenever overseas. I constipated for weeks on that island & finally can clear my bowels regularly once I'm back. Yes, I'm home!