Saturday, October 18, 2008

6 mths and counting...

guess i am somewhat troubled and i went to revisit my blogging on the angel card reader. on hindsight, it was quite true. six months have passed since. my career is rocketing away...i am indeed stressed out on certain occasions and life has its own way of trying the squeeze the living daylights out of u....

many events have happened since my last light hearted entry on's entry seems to be kinda sombre, so my initial apologies to those who are can stop here if you want.

It is another one of those saturdays that i am totally drained out, feeling like i am such a loser and just tired. Have been waiting for work to actually empty out from my brain but its like still 20% lingering in there....well, attributed from 18 hour work days for 14 days straight....

today i read an article in Her World about how couples are now staying together but going thru what they call an "invisible divorce". the article is called "stuck in a loveless limbo". I dunno about loveless to be honest. but limbo is definitely something that i can identify with. I wish i tore out that article, framed it up and gave it as a present to you know who. i am not asking to be 1st priority but at least recognise that a relationship is not just about getting comfortable and thats it. i am really starting to feel this invisible force telling me to just walk away from it all. as much as i want to do something, it takes 2 hands to clap. however, it seems that i am as good as handicap.

walking away will not solve anything....maybe the only realisation it will cause is "if only" many "if onlys" do we want to encounter in our lives? today i feel like i have lost the battle. like scarlett says in the movie gone with the wind...."tomorrow is another day". i have to pull myself together.

cheer up has much more for u. dun be stumbled by mini set backs.

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