Monday, January 11, 2010

what is in stored for me in 2010?

Welcome 2010! I have been waiting anxiously for you to come. Not that I want to grow 1 year older but 2009 was not memorable.

2010 plans

1. US of A here i come
2. Will try to put a foot in the kitchen by buying an oven
3. Save for NY tripe 1 triple 1 (11-11-11)
4. Scout around for a property
5. ____________________ (just in case i have something to add)

In bkk while having lunch with a friend, she mentioned that there is a period where she got sick and tired of material satisfaction hence she was searching for mental satisfaction hence a baby. It set me thinking about my plans. How they generally revolved around material wants. When will i ever reach this stage where i will tire of my twice yearly long trips and sub trips, my constant need for flash, my splurges, my tolerance for poor quality food. Am i spoiled? Or is there no place for back track in life?

I need to start getting some pictures up on my blog. My camera needs to depreciate!

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