Sunday, November 27, 2005

One month later.......

It has been almost a month since my virgin post. Guess what? I forgot my user name and password twice! Thank God for technology I found my blogspot.

Its funny how a person's life can change from white to to white. My ex boyfriend of 7 months actually got married in November. Not sure if it was out of impulse......but it sure is shocking....even more shocking...he got married to a Vietnamese girl. Pls do not start having ideas that he is a loser in the relationship aspect, neither is he the lau pervert we have been seeing in the papers cheating young viet brides. I wish him the very best in his marriage. Hopefully this will make him a more responsible man.

As for my has been very much a roller coaster ride. November has been a hurried affair with me going for a short break in Taipei, celebrating my boyfriend Panda's birthday, celebrating Bobo's birthday and finding out that Char Siew Pau is getting married in June next year! Puss says we all have to get into the diet act! *Dread......* And over the weekend, I ate 2 scoops of Haagen Daz ice cream, and shared 3 scoops with Panda today at the new Ben & Jerry's outlet in Suntec! Talk about dieting! Over the weekend, I just found out something about him. He only goes for Chocolate ice cream. tub of Ben & Jerry's New York Super Chunk Fudge for Christmas present!

I so promise myself that I will ever write more often....SUMPA.

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