Tuesday, January 01, 2008

First day of 2008

I have never been happier.....even though that means getting nearer to 29...but its hokays!

Spent NYE at a Hokkien Countdown @ Conrad....funny how we had Deng Li Jun, Yao Surong impersonations...and a very very rude emcee...that scolded guests for not paying attention to their lucky draw numbers! My LTM looking very hokkien and bored...and me very bored too...

Ok lar show a picture which does him justice

After the hokkien encounter, I met the some Tuggers at EM Studio..used to be the old liquid room..watched them down 3 tequila shots in an hour...and like bottles of beer each...I am still amazed how the alcohol just disappears into their bloodstream.
A pic of the drunk ones...KQ and Irina was somewhere on the dance floor making out...wahahahahahaha...after which we proceeded to Boon Tong Kee and being the only sober and alive person there...i was laughing my head off to the crap talk that was going on...lucky no one kena road block that night...

2007 flashed past as I sat through dinner...think its been another year of growing up the hard way but shall take it in stride..trust that one day all these lessons will pay off. I slept at 5am early morning of 1st January 2008...by 10am, i was up and excited...pulled LTM out of bed to go shopping with me. Had a simple lunch of wantan mee and popiah at Lavendar Food Court and then went to Suntec to walk walk. wah...i wanted to eat so many things today..but my resolution this year (like every other year) is to lose that friggin 3 kg...so i control..but i ate this really yummy roasted sweet potato. It was roasted till caramalised and all soft inside...biting into it was heavenly.....then there was donut factory's spicy cheese tempting me along the way... By 230pm...I was drowsy....hee hee probably from the aftermath of staying out till 4am the night before and all that carbo inside me churning...time to head back home for a nice pm snooze...before i knew it...i woke up at 630pm...remembering my resolution, i went for a jog! hee hee...then after that whack at dinner time again.. tian ji zou...another favourite...4 of us shared 7 kermits...

1st Jan 2008 - happy and satisfied (hopefully a sign to a fantastic year!)

1 comment:

bobo said...

Life is going to get better!