Thursday, February 14, 2008

Project WESOBEAUTIFUL and my 2008 Valentine's Day

Me and FatCat embarked on a diet project...the link as follows if you are interested:

So far so good...feel lighter...thighs look smaller (like real......) but still trying to fit into my drainpipes...hee hee...

Another year has gone by...what did i do last year? Seriously cannot remember at all....which is a good thing!

Well, this year I spent V-Day playing tennis!!! after that go whack Tian Ji Zou with Hum Bao, Loo and LTM. So much for project wesobeautiful....but hope the tennis works.

I am officially news that I might have to go to London at month end...gosh...dunno if good or bad news. Good so I can finally meet some of the UK counterparts..but not so good cos I still do not know at this point of time...I need to arrange for back-up when I am not around. Too much uncompleted things...still 1/3 through my VS catalogue, 1/2 way through my SHAPE January issue....wish i had more time...

Confirmed my trip to China...5 days in Beijing, 3 days in Xian and 6 days in Putian..this time I am going to make sure my handover is done 3 days before the big trip. Jia You Brigela my best fren Chriss will always say!

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