Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Belated Blog

Picture of the Celebrations: And the one that contributed to puking clown

This is 1 mth belated birthday blog to me! Habbie Burfday to me...lalalalalala...well, actually I want to thank those who attended / threw a party for my last 20 something birthday...next year is the big 30 liao...but what the hell? Did anyone not know that 30 is the new 21? Well, some pictures to showcase my 29th Birthday will probably speak more than words

@ Academy Bistro with Fambly
As you can see, the food has taken precedence of attendees.

Present Moment...which will always remain a classic and something we will talk about till we are 80!

FatCat: "Present Time!"

Me: *Grin Grin*

Everyone looking ahead

FatCat: "For you!"

Me: "Wow! Such a beautiful tea set! Yeah! Going to finally be able to drink my Tie Kuan Yin and we can have tea party!"

Closing my box

FatCat: "Hey! Wait the paper carrier not nice. Give you a nicer one to carry it in" (and fishes out a folded longchamp bag. It was her notebook bag)

Me: "Eh, no need no need! This paper bag is good enough!"

FatCat: "Take lar! This one is nicer!"

Me: "No need no need!" (Still refusing profusely)

Bobo: Signature laughter and in between saying "Take lar! Its part of your present"

Me: "Oh! Is it? hahahahahhahaha...how i know? FatCat got so many longchamp, thought she really bring and lend me mah...."

Everyone: Laughter laugher


@ Relish with Jie Meis
In this group, people take precedence over food. Love my presents! A matching key purse with my aubergine wallet and a very meaningful cashcard with our pictures on it! I had a lovely cake from GOBI....it was absolutely heavenly!

IJ forever....and ok lar....one Cedarian...

@ Attica with Tuggers

The only way to describe this hurried affair was a circus. Hum Bao was Ring Mistress, I was puking clown. Hum Bao bought her portable party kit all ready with masks, backdrop, party hats. Everyone wore them. Took pictures and in it went back into the bags. Hahahaha... As for the puking Clown that everyone had to take turns to "eh, i follow her now arh..., second time you arh"....paiseh paiseh

Ring Mistress and her Monkeys, Horses and Sheeps

Da Boyz........guess who is who?

Hum Bao had to run to Vivo Carls Junior to steal this card and made a lovely birthday card for her hamburger! And this was a perfect gift for me! A jewellery organizer!

To everyone here! I had a blast and thank you!

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