Sunday, December 18, 2005

Death of my Birkenstocks i looked at my birkenstocks today at the football field, it saddened me. It was a pair that I bought in Munich while on my 2001 Europe backpacking tour. At a mere SGD$33, it was a steal compared to getting it in Singapore. So many memories that I share with this pair of trusty sandals....from ex boyfriends to my many travels. It has served its purpose well. I wonder when it will finally wear out....Not long for sure as my heels are nearly sweeping the floor.

But meanwhile..I will continue to don it on my weekends and trips to the void deck. I used to wear this pair wherever I went. But now in this state...I try to only preserve it for not so "shiong" activities....

Monday, December 05, 2005

7 months into dating and what it all means?

Its scary how time flies. Tomorrow marks the 7th month of our first date. Our first date was almost as literal as a blind date. Having no impression of each other since the day...erm i meant in the wee hours of the morning at a club...since the day we met, it was impossible to remember what he looked like. I remember putting on my polka dot top and ms sixty jeans, rushing out of the house and was super late! suppose to have met him at the swissotel entrance at 745pm, but because it was a Friday evening...traffic was really bad at the marina area. By the time i reached Victoria Theatre. It was 5 mins to show time. How embarassing......we exchanged greetings and quickly made our way in. There you have it! The rest is history.

Last night as I laid in bed thinking, we met in the funniest fashion. Him, totally high on alchohol and me totally sober. Till this very day, he has no impression of what he said to me and as for me, i still tease him on his high and mighty introduction.

Gosh....7 mths...I sms-ed him last night to just share my thoughts and he wished that I have been happy these last 7 months. I than told him that of course I was happy. It has been a long time since I felt trust, precise chemistry, honesty and respect.

What about his take on the last 7 mths? I quote him: "I felt we had enjoyed each other very much and hope that carry on. But I hope that the next 7mths we will look in other area if ok. anyway let talk about this next weekend over kopi"

Hmmm....IF OK? maybe sms can mislead. But i wondered what he meant by "if ok" Guess I will only get to find out next weekend.

Gosh...I am tired today. Its been a long week and weekend...hardly had a break. Tonight my resolution is to retire early and wake up early at 630 for a jog.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

About Me

I realised that I have not totally introduced myself. Oops! Oh well....the above is a quick summary. This name plate was a bday present from Chriss. She is my friend since the day I entered Pri 1! My very first partner in crime and the rest is history.
She describes me as dare devil....oh my recent younger dayz. Health freak? Definitely...but every freak has their temptations...I succumb to chocolates, ice cream and fried chicken wings from time to time....I ALSO HUMAN. Period.

Non Alchoholic.....Hard to believe by many....but true to its very core...its even highlighted in RED! Those who first know me always think I am a super chiong ster....that drinks, smokes....etc etc etc...BUT they are sooooo wrong. Partying is to me an exercise routine...where can you get to shake that booty around beautiful night creatures and at the same time get a complete calorie burning workout?

Baby blues...actually I love kids...but the thought of having them gives me the blues...weight gain, hormones going whack, labour without epidural (hope is correct spelling), post pregnancy complications...looking at those around me best advice.. if you have a chance to be a young mother, pls start family planning early. It seriously saves many complications.

Sassy gal...i think my best friend had to fill this slot with something....hahahaha. Let me go check up the dictionary what this term actually means.

Beach Bum...I love phuket....but its so sad what happened during the tsunami. Now I also scared to go back. Yes, Singaporean KIASI mentality. Its ok. I Singaporean. Love the sun, the sand and the sea, but I try to avoid it now. Gives bad skin in the long run.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

GOD's Grace and commitments

The monday that has just passed will be one that I will never forget. Last week, I was having lunch with my colleague. Let's call her "Black Face" Queen. We all have royalties attached to our nicknames. For the record, mine is "Attitude"Queen. During lunch, we were chatting about my relationship with Panda. My question to her was if I should sit him down and ask him what exactly he wanted. Honestly, sometimes I am really dying to know. Yet on other occasions, I rather not lest the truth hurts. "Black Face" Queen said I should not ask. Just let it be.....

Anyway, last Sunday I attended service. It was a new pastor preaching today. Initially it was quite a yawn....somehow, she lacked the stage presence the usual pastor commanded. Me and Panda started scribbling on PDA communicating to each other. He said he wanted to go to Israel for his honeymoon....I replied SURE! Stay in HDB sure can afford exotic honeymoons. HA! However, towards the end of the message....the gist of the message was a real simple one. It is not by works that we are saved. It is by God's GRACE. It is also through GOD's Grace that we will receive what we want. Oh well....Panda and me had a pretty long discussion on this. For survival, can we entirely depend on GOD's Grace? It was a topic we both had our skeptism and at the same time belief.

On Monday evening after our stroll by the beach, Panda asked me in the car...If I had any issues about him buying "THE PROPERTY". I was really quite lost for words. This had been what I wanted to ask deep down inside. Than Panda said something. He said that because he is with me and knowing my current situation, its not practical to buy a brand new property. The best way to conserve the cash was to buy over. "THE PROPERTY"'s location is honestly the bane of the problem. I AM A CITY GIRL. All my life, I have stayed 10 minutes to Orchard Road. I really wonder what is life like on the other end of our tiny island. To take it in stride is one experience it first hand is another...WORRIED. But commitments come with compromise.

Well....I finally experienced GOD's Grace. Honestly, HE gave me what I wanted to know and it marks the start of another chapter in my life.

Today I finally received my year end incentive scheme. God is good...HE knows that I will be going to Russia! Hee hee!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

One month later.......

It has been almost a month since my virgin post. Guess what? I forgot my user name and password twice! Thank God for technology I found my blogspot.

Its funny how a person's life can change from white to to white. My ex boyfriend of 7 months actually got married in November. Not sure if it was out of impulse......but it sure is shocking....even more shocking...he got married to a Vietnamese girl. Pls do not start having ideas that he is a loser in the relationship aspect, neither is he the lau pervert we have been seeing in the papers cheating young viet brides. I wish him the very best in his marriage. Hopefully this will make him a more responsible man.

As for my has been very much a roller coaster ride. November has been a hurried affair with me going for a short break in Taipei, celebrating my boyfriend Panda's birthday, celebrating Bobo's birthday and finding out that Char Siew Pau is getting married in June next year! Puss says we all have to get into the diet act! *Dread......* And over the weekend, I ate 2 scoops of Haagen Daz ice cream, and shared 3 scoops with Panda today at the new Ben & Jerry's outlet in Suntec! Talk about dieting! Over the weekend, I just found out something about him. He only goes for Chocolate ice cream. tub of Ben & Jerry's New York Super Chunk Fudge for Christmas present!

I so promise myself that I will ever write more often....SUMPA.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Virgin Post

After going through my Nokia phone's expanded memory base....It has finally beeped "Memory Full" Gone are the days when I will stay up to record my day's happenings. After a long debate and going through the post of some bloggers...I decided to finally piggy back on technology's advancement. Many a times, I wonder what it would be like to allow my life to be transparent to the world and the extent of my honesty? Today my virgin post is the first stab at it.