Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My blue aura

2 weeks ago, i agreed to looloo's suggestion on visiting the angel card reader. Sometime back, humbao has gone to see the lady so has the energizer bunny. Wanted to go the last time but guessed was not ready. The funny thing is on Monday evening while at the nail salon, i was flipping through Female magazine and usually every month they have write ups on some wow wow females. Reading the article, it was a up close and personal with Michelle. A Shiatsu healer. She worked in a place caller Sanctum which also practice angel card readings. Well, did not give it much thought. I received a call in the evening. Audrey called to remind me of my appt the next day. I had no idea about Audrey and she told me she is calling from Sanctum. What a coincidence....Well...maybe its God's way of telling us some things.

As i made my way there, given that i am quite a "logical" person, hearsays do not really interest me, but I guess life brings you to places that sometimes you will not even imagine going...

Audrey is a clairvoyant. She can see angels, fairies and the likes and helps with healing. She also can see dieases through such beings and helps with healing.

After connecting with my angels, she told me that the main aura is blue which means I am a very calm person. I will not falter in times of madness...She also told me another aura is Pink on my left side and said I was full of love and compassion. Well, to give a better understanding and 2 sides to a story, this is what I found on the web:

Blue Positive: The predominantly blue aura represents sound judgement, reliability, and risk free progress. This colour is often found in the aura's of business executives. Negative: May signify an overload of thoughts and plans, executive stress.
Pink Positive: Pink aura's indicate, warm heartedness, love and vocation. Blazes of dark pink often appear in an aura during the early stages of a love affair. Negative: Dusty pink indicates an immature attitude, just fooling around, no genuine love of anything.

I have 2 angels! One is Angel Raziel (of truth) and the other is Angel Jana (of compassion). AR is on my right top and AJ is on my left top
Raziel can help you understand esoteric material, manifestation principles, sacred geometry, quantum physics and other high-level information. He can also open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. Like a Divine wizard, Raziel can also assist you with alchemy, clairvoyance, and divine magic. - SO COOL....like harry potter and all....
I found it quite difficult to find information on Angel Jana but then again, she probably is minority angel...but not bad...i have 2! What more can i ask for right?

For my chakra (windows that receive & transmit energy within body) scanning:
  • Throat chakra seems choked. She mentioned to me that I am someone who doesn't express myself well. Sometimes i have difficulty getting people to understand me. Because of this, i tend to just bury my emotions inside.
  • Heart chakra - emotional person
Audrey then went onto ask me if its because of a relationship problem and therefore I am there today. Was thinking if she meant to find out and make any inference. She said she was able to feel that I am troubled...but then again, she might have seen like 1001 females that all happen to be troubled with relationships...contemplating to tell her no....but guessed I caved in. So i said Yes. She said she can feel that the angels are telling her my heart is heavy. We then had a chat about the relationship. But I do not really wish to blog about that here (yes, my throat chakra is choked)

I also asked about my career if it would bring me to different places. She said "not for now....in the next year" But it could have been an inference that I wanted to travel and therefore I asked her the question...actually i was just testing...hahahaha...

Well, maybe just some interesting things she mentioned to me. She said the angels have told her to be more precise. She sees a tall foreign guy. In 8 mths time. I will have 3 children (2 boys 1 girl to be exact). She also see foreign land. Not USA or Europe but Canada and Australia. She sees me driving around. Very busy....like working very hard (shit.....there goes my nuah plan). After all the precision, she started on card readings

I have new beginnings (next year), I will need to ask the Arch Angel Michael for protection, I also need to meditate and there is the manifestation of change in my life

Blessed Change, Healing Heart, Treasure Chest and Alchemy [In short, career is "soon soon" and good. I need to heal my heart (possibly from work politics) and i will find some gains from work and finally the work i do will become gold]

Hidden Blessings, I need to indulge more and apply what i learn and use my intuition

Be honest to myself, I have to be more passionate (?@!@#@?) and look inside myself.

Anyway....this is what happened in that 1 hour session. It was ok but I guess the skeptism in me still quite strong....so just take everything with a pinch of salt. Who knows? I may start travelling the world from 2009?

1 comment:

littleclam said...

ehh.... does anybody seriously believe this shit?? i can't even bring myself to read beyond the first aura part