Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Wedding Affair

16 November 2007 - Tribute to Sean & Chriss

The cam-whores busy @ work trying to look as co-ordinated as possible. Me thinks we did a jolly good job at it!

After the church wedding, ShuaiGe and Meinu preparing to go back for tea ceremony..
where are the Cam-whores?...too tired to pose already......

come at night! is up again!

Indogerm with me in a serious picture......Lena with her glam gloves
Little girl in red is Flora's precious. The quote of her life is "no way, go away". Cam-whores are it the way, the term is courtesy of Sean's sister.

All right....there are loads of pictures of us although it is meant to be a tribute to the couple, but.....because we have not got all the pictures there will be more to come on this post. See you around!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Chrisse's Hens Nite


We have been talking and talking about Chrisse's wedding for the longggggeeessssstttt time. Well, this is the nite to kick it all off...enjoy the whimsical affair
Room Decor and before changing into kebaya

Dinner at Esmirada's...having her lamb chops..............and for Dessert we have breast milk is all the decent stuff because we dunno who will chance upon this......the rest is to your imagination...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Where have i gone?

Its been officially 2 mths since the last post....what have I been up to?

Many many things happening. Its chrisse's wedding in Nov.....and I am still 3kg over sivet (Shit).....been trying to discipline myself. JC has been posted to homeland in Taiwan and gonna misssssss her....Work has taken on a whole new dimension and I feel like June 11 all over again when I stepped back into the all so familiar TSA. I have gone to KL, BKK and Bintan during this 2 mths. And I have settled down with LTM. Tired but happy. I like this pic of him

Some pics from Bintan where the gang just lived on booze and chips...No joke...morning wake up 9 plus...i see them drinking at the pool liao.....Siow... This sedated pic before all the sins and pleasure....when we just reached Bintan Lagoon and waiting for the transport to our Villa. Someone mentioned....lucky boyz. Starting their monkey business on their way to Villa. From Left: Adeline, Justin and Ilona

Lunch at the villa patio. Irina and Claira no scared no job...can be very successful beer meis sunning on the deck chairs. Red Bikini is closet ah lian, domestic helper and not forgetting slutty TABOO boo-boo...IRINA LOO. Cindy sits out front with B&W bikini

At night after a whole day of booze.......Justin knocked out and Irina still trying to re-enact Taboo. Ilona eating happily away....while BF is being filmed...
Oh well, not too much my favourite song is FIR's 月 牙 湾. Heard it at Lunar but the girl who sang it cannot make it. Some pics to light up the entry when we went to watch William So and Jackie Chan was also celebrating his birthday.... eyes soo big. Think i want to go and look for permanent eyelash implants...dunno what claira is trying to do.....

Below is Irina and Derrikq......item already!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Girlfriends reunited

Happy Birthday Lena and Chrisse!!!
Its been 10 years since we last celebrated your birthdays together!
I hope we will do this forever.....

From Left: Flora, Xinru, Lena, Chrisse, Pris, Pearl

Its been so so long.......from our days in school playing truant, netball, studying hard for exams, being ah lians......we have all grown to our best. I love you girls!

Go Ahead! Match the girls!

Ready, get set, GO GO GO!!!

Time to move on...tra la la la la.........

God is good! When i asked for signs and answers, HE has been guiding me. It has been a rocker roller week for me. Tues meet with Panda. He said wanted to work things out. Friday I went to Barfly rather reluctantly but guess what? Let me catch that dickhead snogging.....apparently his colleague! Men in clubs....such junk. Makes me wonder what he does at the KTV..... pui!

At that point in time, I was shakin and spinnin.....dunno what to do......lucky i got good frens who supported me. Suddenly repulsion kicked in and i felt like vomiting.......this continued for the next 24 hours and i was practically detoxing naturally!

I think if bobo and fat cat were there......maybe got fight! wahaha.........anyway, its time to move on. This shows my decision is right! I did the right thing! Yeah!!!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Tribute to CSB's grandma. Thanks to her Golden Rules, CSB is farnie and happy barnie.

Golden Rule #1: Must sayang you

Golden Rule #2: Can be trusted

Golden Rule #3: No health problem

Golden Rule #4: No $$$ problem

Golden Rule #5: Family background is good..simple not complex

We must strive to achieve this............must must must!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Getting past anger

Why cannot i hold a proper conversation with Panda? Am i ready to forget it all and start afresh?

Hiro Nakamura

today i saw hiro nakamura in my office at 9am!!!! my new colleague Wansai Osunuke joined TSA today......he really looks like HIRO.....hahahaha

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


DIE! How to survive normal office job like that? Seems like I have no time for myself.

NO time to read papers

NO time to wash clothes

NO time to pack room

Monday - Meet Frens
Tuesday - Exercise
Wednesday - Meet Frens
Thursday - Exercise
Friday - Drinks

Seriously how you girls survive? Even in GSK....already so busy with my own things. Now got to cope with full time job, bring home work, play......jialat....think i suck at time management......

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I am back folks! Its been a while with so much happening in the last week or two that its difficult to think of where to start. Since the subject is on farewells...lets see some pics of how my last couple of days were spent in the office.
At our "dining table" that is good for 30...or maybe even more...see the rest with their stylo thinkpads...this is a typical morning.

Xiaodi and Xiaomei

Will miss u my beloved T42.....check out my happy drugs! like police raid DVD shop hor...hahaha
After which we proceeded to lunch leaving out Fatty and hurting her in the end...(who cares?)
Adeline, Tricia, Nick, Emily, Claira, Greg
The sistas Fioe and Kris
My lovely gift from Tiffany. Thank you everyone!
Will miss you folks!!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Stronger Being

Armed with 2.5 hours of sleep since my last post. An air of calmness surrounds my being. It is difficult to describe the feeling. All I know is the strength that now penetrates deep within the previously broken heart.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Happy Vesak Mambo!!

Finally!!! A thursday public holiday!!! Mambo was planned way in advance by the GSK gang since beginning of May. Then last week, I gathered my Jie Meis to join the party. To re-live our moments, we went at 930 to get our "chops" so that we did not have to queue with the crowd later. At 930, the party felt like it had already started!!! People were milling their way into the arena and even the citibank priority quota was met! Oh well, after getting my ride parked and our "chops" securely visible on our arms, we trekked our way to good ole Tong Shui. Check out the happy bellies. After filling our tums tums, we trekked back to we walked back Chriss told me that its impossible to get in. People and cars were overflowing in the arena. Check out the pics. Its like NYE's on Orchard. We were worried as Char Siew Pow had not received the almighty CHOPS.

After a short drive to Clarke Quay which was equally packed (have not seen MOS queue snake all the way to Cannery taxi stand for the longest time), we decided that we had to carry out Operation SMUGGLE CSB after advice from Francis that the only way to get in is to cut queue.
Reaching back to Zouk, it seemed a little saner than it did before. People actually bother to queue...kudos to them. Young and energetic..we this bunch of obasan not so free. We saw the magic sign that said re-entry. Me and JC has the same thought. Just try our luck. As the saying goes, if you cant beat them, confuse them!!! We made our way to the re-entry sign and squeezed ourselves together to make it look like all of us had the CHOPS. Thanks to poker face CSB, Operation SMUGGLE CSB was a huge success!

Once we were was party like no tomorrow. Songs like Strange Love, The Great Commandment, Square Rooms sure got us going. Guess who I bumped into???

Ah (An) Liang (who strangely goes by AL now...) and Sandy...say CHEESE!

And our ever supporting pseudo Jie Mei!!! Francis-kor

More pics of us crazy on the dance floor.

Happiness knows no limits as seen below

Our night ended up at Tong Shui again....thirsty girl satisfied!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A broken heart is better than a broken soul

As I braved the onslaught of my relationship woes, today seemed to be the worse day of my roller coaster ride. It felt like the equivalent of a nasty ride gone terribly wrong. Tears filled my heart and it felt that someone pulled the belt too tight over my heart. Why do I feel that I have been treated so unfairly? Why do i have to always follow and never dictate? Why cant I release the belt around my heart?

I feel choked. I feel life sometimes draining out of me. Maybe the sleep last night was interrupted and wasnt enough and therefore my crankiness reached mt everest. Today was bad. I have told him what i wanted to say. Now i have no regrets being honest. I need to move on. I really really have to try. Otherwise my soul may be broken too.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Its 2am. Tired but cannot get to sleep.

Was thinking about my day. Started off with me working on the PC. Frank called me and asked me out for lunch...its been almost 2 mths since we last caught up. Apparently he is snaking from reservist.

He was telling me that i need to find someone that i can gradually love as opposed to someone that gave me that instant feeling of gratification. Funny lei...which means someone like him??? I told him...if i do next rs will end up like his and mine.

Anyways....I thank GOD for Frank in my life. Its been 10 years since I first knew Frank. He was known as the rich kid in church then. With a house that could park 20 cars in the driveway. He was a soul mate. Maybe they call it chemistry..

We shared so much laughter and tears during these 10 years. He has always been around when I needed a listening male companion and the person who never gets tired drinking soup with me day in day out.

Today as we spoke, he is still that same big hearted boy i knew 10 years back. I only hope that he makes the best choices in his life to achieve real happiness.

After that, Xinru brought me to a sharing session. I think sometimes i have the ability to switch on that invisible shield around my heart. Or maybe its been there for ages. I was not impressed by the mechanics of the Landmark course.

Oh suddenly I feel sleepy. Better not waste the feeling and go sleep. Tmr I have a date with GOD.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Love your life

A friend whom i knew a long time back passed away in his sleep. He was only 29. His heart just stopped beating.

This is his friendster profile. I remembered him being 14 and the cute one amongst the rest.....and so soft spoken. As I looked at the orbs in the papers today.....sadness filled me to the brink of tears.

Y? Y so young, so talented and too soon.......

I am going to be happy and love my matter how shitty i think it can be. Who knows what will happen tomorrow??? When one cannot even say I LOVE YOU or I AM SORRY for the last time.

The adventures of Lionel the Lizard Hero

Our Hero sent Bobo an sms today.

"Hey Lisa! This is Lionel here! If you have friends who need help with computers. I am freelance! Advice is free. Have a wonderful day ahead!"

We ain't good with lizzies....but COMPUTERS!!!!???????


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lionel the Lizard Hero

On a cool and lazy Tuesday evening after a huge dinner at good ole Spize, we proceeded to pick up the car after the threats of the chao-pai uncle slapping a big fine on the SLK for parking outside Spize....

As we approached the car and I opened the car door..........i thought i saw shitloads of bird droppings near the car spoiler.....then i froze....literally....closed my door and started walking frantically to the back of the worse nightmare came TRUE! .....the THIRD (i emphasize) time Lizzy came parking on my car and staring at me through its black beady eyes. This time it was an odd looking i mentioned...bird droppings...or like a small odd shaped rough was also clumsy as hell without the speed of the usual house lizard.

Luckily...Nono was shielding me as she was getting into the back passenger seat....she also froze and ran with me to the this time i was rambling on and on...Bobo was like looking at me going...."what? what? what?" After finding out why we had such looks on our faces, she proceeded to try and look for something to chase the lizard away...she said "ok....i will find a palm leaf and try to flick off the lizard"...but time really slowed to standstill and it seemed that we were in matrix slow-mo action.

Then came the HERO named Lionel.......who walked past us and went: "hey girls! everything alright...?" And yes......girls being girls....or rather me and nono just went: "there's a lizard on the car!" And Lionel tried to flick Lizzy off with this handphone antenna (come to think of it...he had quite a long antenna!!! wondering if it was even a phone) but he went round the car once and Lizzy was still happily on my car!! Finally I think Lionel decided using his bare hands (a brave man indeed!) was the best way to chase Lizzy away...and finally Lizzy went back to where it belongs...the bushes!

Man...was i thankful....u know they always say that the thing you hate most always pops up in your face....Lizzy has been around on 3 different occasions.......wah liao...i wonder how many more!

Anyways...Bobo being bobo.....asked our hero "excuse me! are you single?" hahahaha....think we caught him off guard and he said...huh? again bobo went "are you single??" he went "yes! but i have friends" Using her "I love my friends" instincts....she asked him for his contact number....and guess what?????? He gave it to us....JIAN NAN REN........but he was cute never mind...forgive...hahaha....

And to end off the whole incident....we made a U-turn to Spize again......wind down our windows and gave him flying kisses for saving us from the terrors of Lizzy! lah!!!! we not so HU LI JING............we just said BYE LIONEL!!!!!! Our hero.......something to share on our next gossip session!

Tune in next time for the return of the Lizard Hero!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Tribute to Phewie

Phewie was a 21st birthday present from Frank. She was born on 7 december 1999 to a pair of russells in Bedok South block 5.

This was what she looked like than.
Look at how tiny and sweet she was.....looks can be very deceiving indeed. Now she has the term "Siow Gaour" to her belt from my colleagues. Pics of her in her funny antics

Say CHEESE phewie!!!

Her favourite smelly ball Nowadays she like to imitate different species.

Alligator looking at her prey....which happens to be me!

Doesn't she just look like a cat????

I really adore her....sometimes she can be such a pain with her barking and whining....she is totally terrified of the thunder and during stormy family will have hell...but she is a good sport...always trying her luck at getting at us....brought her to sentosa with her friends recently...check out the pics.

Kiki and Truffles who happens to be on u can see Kiki trying to be funny here.

There is the queen looking out at you....asking what the hell u want and below is poppy who as usual being the friendly and not to mention greedy giant.